Do you have what it takes to successfully market your book?

Marketing is all about letting people know about your book, so they can buy a copy and read it. You can market a book in many ways, and sometimes all the possibilities can make this a daunting task–especially if you don’t have a plan.

This quiz will help you find out how your marketing plan is shaping up, and will give you some insight on things you may still need to think about.

Do you know who your readers will be?


Not really

How will you connect with your readers?

(tick all that apply, especially things that you may already be doing)

I’ll participate in active blogs and communities

I know experts who can write reviews that my readers will trust

I belong to groups and organisations with people who will be interested in buying my book

I’ll interact with them at events, gatherings, or on social media

Email database/mailing list

Which of the following things are going to be part of your media kit?

(tick all that apply)

Author bio (50-100 words)

Business cards


Cover PDF

Book summary sheet

A list of book reviewers

Media contacts

SEO planning

Website signup form

Author picture (head and shoulders shot)

Are you thinking of having a website?



I've already got one

No, I don't think I need this

Would you look into creating a blog or a Facebook page?

Probably just one of those

Maybe both

I’m not sure what either of those are

I don’t think I’ll need those

Are you planning to use other social media websites like LinkedIn or Google+?




I have no idea what LinkedIn or Google+ is

Have you thought about making use of websites like

I’m not sure what these websites are for

I’d like to look into using websites like these

I don’t think I need to use websites like these

Are you thinking of making a book trailer?



I’d like to find out what a book trailer is

I haven’t thought about this yet

Hmm, sounds like your marketing plan still needs some work. You can review your answers below to find out what you need to work on.

It’s looks like your marketing plan is well underway. It might still have a few blank pages, but it’s great that you’ve put a bit of thought into it already. You can review your answers below to see what else you may still need to work on.

Well done! Your marketing plan is looking great. You’ve definitely put a bit of work into it already; keep it up!

Your answers:

Would you like some help with your marketing plan or any other aspect of your self-publishing project? Drop us a line and our friendly team of experts will be happy to discuss your project needs further.